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Realign Imbalances with the Subconscious Mind

Emotion Code & Body Code: Welcome


The Body Code, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a healing modality that allows individuals to uncover and release energy imbalances in the body through the power of the subconscious mind. Imbalances can negatively affect all aspects of your life and show up as chronic pain, sickness and limiting belief systems (e.g. “I am not good enough,” “I can never do that because…”, etc.). Your conscious mind involves the present moment. It consists of what we are currently aware of such as thoughts, feelings, short-term memories, and what we are currently seeing. We use our conscious mind for mental processing in our present. The subconscious mind stores all your memories, beliefs and everything you’ve ever thought, said, see, etc. The subconscious mind is like a computer that you built during your childhood. As you get older, the subconscious mind references past experiences and executes behaviors that you are familiar with or behaviors that are created to protect you regardless if it’s healthy or not. 


The Body Code extracts the primary causes of energy imbalances that are disrupting your ability to thrive. As a certified Body Code healer, we will work together to identify and realign connections from 6 different categories:


  • Emotional Wellness

  • Body System Balance

  • Toxin Resolution 

  • Pathogen Resolution

  • Structural Balance

  • Nutrition and Lifestyle

Everything is energy and has a different frequency (low and high vibrations). Have you ever picked up on someone’s bad mood? That’s the energy you’re feeling! ; Our physical body and the non-physical part of ourselves—internal monologue, feelings and dogmas—is made of energy. When there is an imbalance due to a negative energy, someone may develop migraines when the subconscious mind builds a negative connection to a particular idea. This idea can be any person, emotion, concept, event, action or place the individual may have had an encounter with and thereby uses migraines as a protective measure to stay away from this idea. We call this an Idea Allergy or an Idea Intolerance. The Body Code releases emotional baggage to bring individuals back to their true potential.


When someone needs help aligning energy imbalances, it requires a straightforward energy-balancing system. If you understand the basics of this system you will appreciate what happens at each step and the power of your subconscious mind.


This can be any issue or symptom that is disrupting your life; Depression, anxiety, back pain, migraines, self-sabotage, lack of self-love, and blocks from success.


Our bodies have a built in lie detector; when you say something true or positive the muscle is strong and if you say anything false or negative the muscle goes weak.

  • Emotional Wellness

  • Body System Balance

  • Toxin Resolution

  • Pathogen Resolution

  • Structural Balance

  • Nutrition and Lifestyle

Follow-up questions are asked by the subconscious mind to help uncover the age and event that caused the energy imbalance


Sometimes there are other imbalances that are contributing an issue that needs to be identified before it can be released. We would repeat Step Three to identify the imbalance.


We will release or reset the imbalance one by one by swiping a magnet down the meridian a few times and use positive intentions. We will muscle test to confirm that the imbalance has been corrected.

Some people may experience immediate relief after completing a Body Code session; However, you will encounter what your body needs to move towards a balanced state of being.


Since The Body Code is an energy healing modality this process can be done in person or over the phone. Energy isn’t limited by distance. We have a built-in ability to create an energetic connection between two individuals. Energy is able to travel across time and space to the individual releasing trapped emotions and imbalances. This is done by using intention and using a surrogate, usually the Practitioner, to muscle test and release the trapped emotion and imbalances. The Body Code is still just as effective as if the individual was in the same room.



The Body Code is a quick and simple way to restore balance in the body. It can be done to anyone at any age and can be done to animals as well. If you have any questions or you would like to book a session contact me today!


I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist.


By purchasing an Energy Healing Session (Reiki, Emotion Code, Body Code, and Access Bars) you are agreeing that this does not replace any psychological and/or medical treatment. Energy Healing is a tool to help the body relax and naturally heal and can be used alongside psychological and/or medical treatment.  


Confidentiality: I agree to treat the Holistic Practitioner - Client relationship as confidential. All information exchanged is considered confidential unless you express to harm yourself and/or others.


I have a right to refuse service. 


Refunds: I do not offer refunds for completed services or if appointment cancelled within 24 hours.

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