Reset a Dysregulated Body Rhythm By Releasing the Source of the Conflict
What is Body Rhythm Reset?
When using the Body Code, the subconscious mind is asked if there is a conflict to the body rhythm in relation to the focused symptom(s). If there is, we find the Anchor Point, which is the age, where the Body Rhythm becomes dysregulated. Once the age is identified all blocks and imbalances are cleared from that age. After everything is released, we will identify if there is any resistance or friction preventing the body from going to its natural state. Blocks and imbalances are cleared at that time to release the resistance and friction.
Any imbalance created from this Anchor Point will be cleared up. The processing can be longer than normal Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code Sessions since Body State Reset goes to the source of the issue.
There can be one Anchor Point to the focused symptom or more than one. Everyone is unique.
Body state is the overall condition of the body at a specific time, phase or period. Body State is based on:
Circadian Rhythm: Biological Process (24 hour Period)
Diurnal Cycle: Energetic Process (Meridians rebooted during 2 hour period every 12 hours)
Seasonal Rhythm
Stress and Recovery
Body State is dominated by the Nervous System:
Sympathetic (Stress): Dominant during the day. Wakefulness, alertness fight/flight/freeze/fawn, and Yang energy
Parasympathetic (Recovery): Dominant during the night. Sleepiness, rest and recovery, digest, and Yin Energy
A Set Point is the average or summation of the body’s rhythms and cycles creating an equilibrium baseline where the body transitions between each cycle.

The Body’s response to a threat, stress or conflict is significant, specific and not random and is based on your perceptions about yourself, others and the world around you. Most of the time these conflicts are figurative and not life threatening. For Example, ups and downs in relationships, normal everyday stressors, projects, deadlines, bills etc. When the body responds to figurative threats or event as real, our perception creates a conflict. This event causes the Body Rhythm to become dysregulated.

A change in the Set Point is created during prolonged stress or recovery. The new Set Point will be moved to the new state based on the event of the threat or conflict.

Imbalances can disrupt the rhythm or cycle and cause a person to be stuck on either a Sympathetic (active) or Parasympathetic (Rest and Recovery) state. This can cause the body to break down and create symptoms physically, emotionally, and/or mentally. To return to the ideal body rhythm the conflict needs to be resolved.
I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist.
By purchasing an Energy Healing Session (Reiki, Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Body State Reset and Access Bars) you are agreeing that this does not replace any psychological and/or medical treatment. Energy Healing is a tool to help the body relax and naturally heal and can be used alongside psychological and/or medical treatment.
Confidentiality: I agree to treat the Holistic Practitioner - Client relationship as confidential. All information exchanged is considered confidential unless you express to harm yourself and/or others.
I have a right to refuse service.
Refunds: I do not offer refunds for completed services, Live Events or if appointment cancelled within 24 hours. All Sales final on Pre-Recorded Sessions.